Player's are working in the background - Enjoy!
Co myślisz - What you think
Dołączam do was - I join to you
Płonie pochodnia - Torch is burning
Uzależnienie - The Addiction
30 Metrów - 30 Meters
Na Serio - Seriously
Wszystko już było - All has been
Za celem - After Target
Motyl - The butterfly
Dzielnica - The hood
Sponiewierany - Shredded
Bastard - Drań
Anioł - The angel
Politycy - The politicians
Motyl - The butterfly Darkside
Wiatr - The wind
Numizmatyk - The numismatist
Obcy - The alien
NNB - New on the blocks
Nakarmię was - I'll feed you
Złodziej - The thief
NNB - New on the blocks RMX
Before the Score
Ty i Ja - You and Me
Shit happens
Tandeta - The trash
ŁPŁP - Easy come
Pierwszy legal - The first legal
Konspiracja - The conspiracy
Fabryka - The factory
Apokalipsa - The apocalypse
Moja głowa - My head
Nalewa - The tincture
Nie dla mnie - Not for me
SWTM - Look on that town
To zbyt normalne - It's too normal
37 stopni - 37 degrees
Zryci emeryci - Twisted elders
RMG - Rythm is chasing me
PBB - Just BB
CSS - Contra Spem Spero
Męska Dziwka - Male Hooker
Strata - The Loss
RZJ - Talk with Joseph
Screw Skit
Myśli - The thoughts
MJŻ - Music like Life
CSS Sentimental
Labirynt - The maze
Chcę zapomnieć - I want to forget
CSS Hard
Beat 1'06 84bpm
Beat 1'07 90bpm
Beat 1'08 95bpm
Beat 1'09 92bpm
Beat 1'10 87bpm
Beat 1'11 91,375bpm
Beat 1'12 83,486bpm
Beat 1'13 100bpm
Beat 1'18 85bpm
Beat 1'19 87bpm
Beat 2'06 81.373bpm
Beat 2'07 90bpm
Beat 2'08 91bpm
Beat 2'09 90bpm
Beat 2'11 94,600bpm
Beat 2'12 93bpm
Beat 2'15 80bpm
Beat 3'06 94bpm
Beat 3'07 90bpm
Beat 3'08 90bpm
Beat 3'09 140bpm
Beat 3'10 90bpm
Beat 3'15 160bpm
Beat 4'06 94,811bpm
Beat 4'07 92bpm
Beat 4'08 90bpm
Beat 5'06 88bpm
Beat 5'07 90bpm
Beat 5'08 110bpm
Beat 5'10 92bpm
Beat 6'07 90bpm
Beat 6'08 90bpm
Beat 7'07 93bpm
Beat 7'08 92bpm
Beat 7a'06 102bpm
Beat 8'07 85bpm
Beat 8'08 95bpm
Beat 9'06 98,397bpm
Beat 9'07 85bpm
Beat 10'07 90bpm
Beat 11'07 90bpm
Beat 14'06 95bpm
Beat 18'06 93,013bpm
Beat 19'06 93bpm